Celebrating the Shittiest Ever Ski Year

I wake up this April morning
Finally, the ground sprinkled with white
I pull the covers over my head
trying to block out the brightness of the light

This has not been the season I wanted
This has not been the season of snow
This has not been the season I needed
So many times I wanted not to go.

The snow has been nonexistent 
The trails filled primarily with ice
My soul has taken a beating
Mother Nature has been very much less than nice

My soul has been on a roller coaster,
and it hasn't liked the ride
The joy of skiing comes from within,
to convince myself I have tried.

And tried.  And Cried.  And tried again.
A jedi master I am not.
the only thing I've ve got from this winter
Is a runny nose filled with gooey gross snot.

This season has been exhausting
Everyday trying to find the fun
Then talking to others on the east coast
Only to find out their seasons are done.

Sure there have been good days.
I can count them: there have been 4
Even one "over the head" power day
but we were all asking for more.

I can't count how many times 
I've skied in the god damn rain
Or when my snowboard slipped on ice
and I walked away with shooting pain

My Soul is linked to winter,
My happiness comes from snow,
I'm a ski bum completely off balance
Searching for my lost inner glow

I have laughed a lot this winter,
that much is certain.
When the skiing sucks this bad,
Even I can't wait for the final curtain.

And then I remember -

There is so much more to winter
than skiing and snow
There's the lifestyle and the people
that make the season go 

So don't give up on winter,
or the ski season just yet,
the best part is coming
or did you forget?

Spring Parties are Coming!!
mogul challenge with lots of beer
It's time to celebrate the final moments
Of the shittiest ever ski year. 

Let's get out the Shot Skis
and Raise them up High
So that all through next winter,
Snow will fall from the sky.

Let's drink toasts to 
Snow Meiser, Jack Frost and Ullr, 
Let's celebrate Krom, Mother Nature, 
and even cranky Old Man Winter.

Toast them with vodka,
tequila, whiskey and rum
Be careful now, 
you wouldn't want to miss a single one.

Get your ass up here,
to the mountains of ice,
show winter that we still love her
so that next year she will be nice.

Come to Vermont and celebrate!
You don't have to make a single turn
Let's celebrate the end of this stupid season
and the snow for which we yearn.

I will Snow Dance with you in the parking lot,
And take a few spring bump runs on the hill,
I'll raise a shot ski for winter
And Pray for Snow until ......

The Shittiest Ever Ski Year will be over,
Thank goodness that will soon be true.
And we shall tell our great-grandchildren:
it was our love of skiing that got us through.

May You Find the Spirit of the Mountains,
Photo Credit: SnowGunJunkie


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