Roaring Brook Umbrella Bar

Woke up too early on my day off, so Vespi and I ventured up Skye Peak to check out the water flow and an uphill view of the Roaring Brook Umbrella Bar.

After stepping through ankle deep mud, and running streams, the trail eventually flattened out to its normal level...

While it has been feeling a little more like winter on the hill, you could tell it was still November in the Green Mountains.

And no frost this morning, just a beautiful dew

And much sadness as all the beautiful snow we had over the holiday weekend now comes racing down the mountain in liquid form :(

Vespi really wanted to ski, so we headed down Superstar to get in our "turns"

And got our first glimpse of the Roaring Brook Umbrella Bar from up on the mountain

We made turns through the tall grass, no longer standing proudly but smushed down by the holiday storm.

And wondered when Mother Nature would let us play in the snow...

May You Find the Spirit of the Mountains Within You,


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