You Should Have Come With Us

The only way you would ever know where we went today is if you had come with us. Decked out in bright colors, we threw on our mud boots and set out to explore one of our favorite winter bushwacking areas. This is what thousands of Vermonters see as they head out into the woods this time of year. The tourists are scare, but the beauty is simply overwhelming. As the leaves fall from the trees and bushes, so much of Vermont's landscape becomes visable and nature's hidden secrets are revealed.

Enjoy the Hike!

May You Find the Spirit of the Mountains Within You,
FemaleSkiBum :)


  1. Great pics!

    What are we looking at in the 2nd photo. Fungi? Really cool whatever it is.

    I think I recognize the 2nd waterfall. Near PP?

    It would be nice if the photos were larger on the main page to make them easier to see. I know I can click on them to make them larger, but it would be better to not have to do that.

    Looking forward to following your blog as winter (slowly) approaches.

    Think snow!


  2. Thanks for the feedback, Jim!

    If I can figure out how to make the photos bigger, I will! I am definately more of a ski bum than internet savy, but I am learning fast :)

    Hoping winter goes full steam ahead from here!!


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